hey i’m grace! 👋🏽

︎︎︎ i’m an art director, graphic designer and content queen based in NYC. 


︎jenny craig
︎bumble bee
︎trading races
︎curb magazine

bonus jonas(es)


︎ let’s connect!
︎ the ‘gram!
︎the tok! 
︎ tunes!

Curb Magazine


Curb Magazine is a lifestyle magazine produced annually by selected students within UW-Madison’s School of Journalism and Mass Communication. For the 20th edition of the magazine, we selected the theme, “Out of the Dark” to prove that good things can come out of the darkness.

As Production Editor, I was one of the lead designers in charge of making critical decisions regarding type, color, and look and feel. I oversaw all production functions for print and online versions of the magazine and other collateral materials and managed workflow with printer. 

Selected Layouts:
