hey i’m grace! 👋🏽

︎︎︎ i’m an art director, graphic designer and content queen based in NYC. 


︎jenny craig
︎bumble bee
︎trading races
︎curb magazine

bonus jonas(es)


︎ let’s connect!
︎ the ‘gram!
︎the tok! 
︎ tunes!

Allegiant Airlines

︎︎︎ #NotSpringBroke

The Ask: 
Make Allegiant Airlines the preferred airline choice by Gen Z. 

The Solution: 
Save on Flights. Spend on Fun. #NotSpringBroke
Spring break can get expensive! Between shopping before the trip and all the things you’ll want to do when you get there, Allegiant wants you to spend your money - your way.

︎ Role: Art Director, Designer
︎ Channel: Instagram 

Organic Social ︎

ECD: Hart Rusen
CW: Val Laudarji
Motion Graphics: Karl Camara, Lincoln Rogers